Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fall Cleanse

Ahhhh, my favorite time of year is upon us. Fall! I am trying to soak in every last moment of summer I can but the usual signs are showing me that fall is definitely approaching. School supplies are everywhere I turn, the evening breezes are getting a little cooler, and my craving for  vegan pumpkin chocolate chip muffins is growing stronger (hehe).

So, other then stocking up on pumpkin and school supplies what should you be doing? Well, perhaps you might consider a little fall cleansing...of your body! In Ayurveda your food is eaten seasonally and serves a purpose for the body. Food is not only meant to nourish the body but restore balance. When we become unbalanced we begin to hold toxins in our body which can then throw our bodies into distress. This is when you may run into health issues, everything from acne to irritable bowl to kidney stones. Yuck!

Learning about Ayurveda is pretty fascinating and takes some work. If you care to read more about it I will leave you some links at the bottom of the page. Instead I am going to tell you about some things you can do to cleanse for fall. The whole idea of cleansing for fall is to prepare your body for winter. In spring you cleans to remove the toxins left from winter and in fall you cleanse to prevent buildup of toxicity in coming months. Digestion and cellular metabolism are extremely important in keeping toxins  from building up in your system. this cleanse will strengthen those for you and give you the edge you need to maintain ultimate health.

So here's some tips:
Chew your food and be grateful!
Do you remember your mom ever telling you to slow down and chew your food? Well, turns out she was right (at least about that one)! Taking a moment to take a breathe, say grace, or give thanks to the gods, goddesses, or mother Earth before plowing through your food is actually good for digestion. Better still is to be present while you are eating. What does that mean? That means turn off the television, put down the magazine or paper, and be aware and in the moment of your eating. Not only will you vastly improve your digestion and look less like a slob shoveling in food, you might actually lose a pound. WHAT?!?! Yep, when you actually pay attention and take your time chewing and eating your food you will find that you are able to stop when you are about 3/4 full instead of ripping at the seams full. Bonus!

Spice it UP!!
There are plenty of spices that you might already have in your kitchen that will help fuel that digestive fire. Cardamom, fresh ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cumin, and turmeric are just a few spices that if added to your food will help you better absorb the nutrients that your food has to offer. You may also try fennel or ginger tea to enhance digestion.

Exercise and Massage!
To keep your cellular metabolism in good working condition you must get that body moving and then massage. It is suggested that the best way to exercise is to have to periods of exercise: morning- stimulating, night- restorative. Yoga is super great for this but not everyone is a yogi and some of us don't feel like we have exercised at all without running, lifting, or doing mountain climbers till we puke. So for those of you who are like that...just make sure you are staying consistent. And if you can throw in some restorative yoga in there somewhere, gold star!

Massage is truly medicinal. It is also vital in a cleanse. Your body is working overtime when you cleanse to purify all bodily systems. Your liver, your g.i. tract, your digestive system; all of them are working hard to get the toxins out. Massage helps move the lymphatic fluids to lymph nodes which helps the bod build healthy, toxin free tissue. If you can't afford a massage, self-massage. If you self- massage just make sure to stroke in the direction of the heart. A little light oil or soap, if in shower, help.

and lastly...Hydrate!
Adequate water will assist in every cleanse you ever do. Water helps flush those toxins out of your body. However, there is such a thing as too much water so 1oz of water for each lb of body weight is what's recommended.

Happy cleansing!!!

To learn more:

If you would like to learn even more about living a healthy and happy life please email Ellie to schedule a free Health History @

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